Hilarious Jokes

Gardener Joke
A gardener picks up horse droppings off the road. This interests a passerby: “What do you do with the droppings?” Gardener: “I sprinkle it on my strawberries.” Passerby: “Funny, we usually use sugar…”

Dog Joke
A farmer needs to know how many sheep he has in his field. He calls his German Shepherd dog to count them for him. The dog runs off, counts the sheep and returns to the farmer. "How many?" asks the farmer. "40," replies the dog. The farmer is startled and says, "What do you mean, 40 - I only bought 37!" The dog shrugs, "I rounded them up."

Result Joke
Child: “Mom, I have a good and a bad news.” Mother: “OK, start with the good one.” Child: “I scored an A in the math test.” Mother: “That’s awesome Lisa! And what’s the bad news?” Child: “That this was only a joke.”

Ladder Joke
Lilly bursts into the house from the garden and tells her mom out of breath: “Mom, mom, I accidentally knocked over the big ladder that was leaning against the house!” Mother says, “Well go get daddy, he’ll help you put it back.” Lilly hops on the spot, “But I can’t, he’s still hanging onto the eaves trough!”

School Joke
A school proudly installs a long row of coat pegs on the wall, with a sign on the last five: ONLY FOR TEACHERS. The next day somebody adds: BUT CAN ALSO BE USED FOR COATS.

Waiter Joke
Miles sits down in a mountain restaurant’s garden and orders a Coke. But when the waiter comes, he brings him 3 Cokes. “But I’ve just ordered one?” says Miles to the waiter. “I’m very sorry, we get that problem all the time, sir. It’s the darned echo here.”

Teacher Joke
Why do teachers hate playing hide and seek?
Because nobody is ever looking for them.

Restaurant Joke
“Waiter, there’s a fly twitching in my soup!” “And what do you expect for the price? A ballet?!”

Flying Joke
What is red and flies through the air?
A tomato in a helicopter.

Bicycle Joke
Why is it that bicycles fall over so often?
They are two-tired.

Dinosaur Joke
Q: What is worse than having a roaring T-Rex following you?
A: Having two roaring T-Rexes following you.

Policeman Joke
Why did Harry the dumb policeman always carry a pair of scissors?
To be able to cut off a suspect’s escape route.

Children Joke
A little boy stands in front of a house and cries. A guy sees him and asks, “Why all the crying, little guy?” “I can’t reach the doorbell.” The man rings the bell for him and smiles at the boy. The boy smiles back at him and says, “Great, and now we just have to run away very quickly!”

Kid Joke
Freddie says to his dad: “When I’m a grown-up, I’m going to marry Grandma!” Father smiles, “Come on, you can’t marry my mom.” “And why not? You married mine! “

This post is dedicated to display some of the most interesting hilarious jokes that are very meaningful and witty.


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