Jokes For Kids

Car Jokes
My five-year-old son is crazy about cars, so I took him to his 
first car show. He loved seeing all 
the different models and brands 
and gushed over the big engines, 
the colors, and even the wheels. But the car he was most impressed with was a hearse. “Mom!” he shouted. “Look at all this storage!”

Chicken Joke
Q: Why does a chicken coop have two doors?
A: If it had four, it would be a chicken sedan.

Dentist Joke
After cleaning my five-year-old patient’s teeth, I accompanied him to the reception area, only to see him struggle with the oak door. “It’s heavy, isn’t it?” I asked. “Yes,” he said. “Is that so children can’t escape?”

Phone Joke
I was visiting a friend who could not find her cordless phone. After several minutes of searching, her young daughter said, “You know what they should invent? A phone that stays connected to its base so it never gets lost.”

Superman Joke
A concerned police officer approaches a boy who is crying in front of a newsstand. “What’s wrong?” the cop asks. “Superman isn’t out yet!” says the boy. “I’ll handle it,” the cop assures him. “Hey, Superman!” he shouts. “Come on out! We won’t hurt you!”

Class Joke
The topic for my third-grade class was genetics. Smiling broadly, I pointed to my dimples and asked, “What trait do you think I passed on to my children?” One student called out, “Wrinkles!”

Soldier Joke
Sam’s eighth birthday, my brother took him to a football game. During halftime, a Marine band played, and Sam studied them intently. “Why the interest in the band?” his father asked. “I’m checking to see if Ben and Matt from our synagogue are in it. They’re Marines.” “But they’re in Afghanistan.” “If I were in a marching band, I’d say I was in Afghanistan too.”

Casino Joke
As I was treating my daughter and her family to the buffet at a casino, all the bells and whistles for a winning slot machine began to go off. My seven-year-old grandson was awed. “Wow!” yelled Casey. “This is like Chuck E. Cheese for old people.”

School Joke
My second graders were assigned the task of writing thank-you cards to soldiers serving in the Middle East. One of them wrote, "Thank you for protecting us! I hope we win!"

Baby Joke
At a baby shower, everyone was asked to complete nursery rhymes. My 11-year-old daughter Taylor contributed this: "Jack Sprat could eat no fat. His wife could eat no carbs."

Grandson Joke
A few weeks? after the death of my father-in-law, I found my seven-year-old son crying in bed. His grandmother had died the previous year, and he was taking it all very hard. "You know, Kyle," I said, "when we die, we’ll get to see Grandma and Grandpa again in heaven." With tears spilling down his face, Kyle cried, "That’s easy for you to say. You don’t have that long!"

This post presents a series of amazingly funny and most engrossing jokes for kids that are awesome.


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