One Liner Jokes

Broom Joke
What did mama broom say to baby broom?
Time to go to sweep, baby.

Milk Joke
What gives us milk and has one horn?
A milk truck.

Snail Joke
When can you be sure a snail is lying to you?
When he says he’s not home.

Talk Joke
Q: Which flower is the most talkative?
A: Tulips, of course, they can’t keep those lips shut!

Baby Joke
Q: Why couldn't the pony sing his baby a lullaby?
A: She was a little hoarse.

Chimney Joke
Q: What did the tall chimney say to the small chimney?
A: "Hey, you’re way too young to smoke."

Monkey Joke
How does a monkey ring the doorbell?
King Kong! King Kong!

Snake Joke
How to measure a snake?
In inches. Snakes don’t have feet.

Teacher Joke
Why was the teacher cross-eyed?
Her pupils got out of control.

Bee Joke
Why did the bee have sticky hair?
Because he was using a honey-comb.

Egg Joke
How to make an egg giggle?
Tell it a yolk.

Bird Joke
What bird is the strongest lifter?
A crane.

Ex Joke
What does your ex and slinky have in common?
It’s nice to watch either fall down the stairs.

Meeting Joke
Office meeting. A gathering that wastes hours, yet keeps minutes.

Offensive Joke
“But other than that, Mrs Lincoln, did you like the play?”

Meaning Joke
So, I don’t know what ‘apocalypse’ mean – what’s the big deal?
It’s not the end of the world.

Sleep Joke
I’m a pro at sleeping.
I could do it with my eyes closed.

Internet Joke
Apple just posted on their Facebook page that their store got robbed.
They’re looking for iWitnesses.

Word Joke
Thesaurus – a place to find a clever-sounding replacement for a word people would otherwise actually understand.

Interview Joke
And why do you think you’d be academically qualified for this job, Mr Richardson?”
“I possess a degree of intelligence.”

Irish Joke
How many potatoes do you need to kill an Irish guy?
None at all.

This is a post on one liner jokes.


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