Yo Momma Jokes

Yo Momma is so fat if she buys a fur coat, a species will be extinct.

Yo Momma so fat she sat on the beach and Greenpeace threw her in.

Yo Momma so fat she's on both sides the family.

Yo Momma so fat she got a parking ticket for standing at a crosswalk.

Yo Momma so fat she's skinny.

Yo Momma so fat that when she walked by the TV set I missed 3 seasons of Laguna Beach

Yo mama so fat, you could slap her butt and ride the waves.

Yo mama so fat when she tossed in her sleep she woke up in another time zone.

Yo momma so fat she stepped on the scale and it said one person at the time.

Yo mama so fat that when I tried to swerve around her I ran out of petrol London Bridge was falling down because yo fat mama walked on it.

Yo mummas so fat that when she went to Japan in a green bikini they all started yelling Godzilla Godzilla.

Yo mamma is so fat, when she walked in front of the television, I missed a whole football season.

Yo mama is so fat I already got a nightmare Ya mum so fat she ate Jenny and Craig.

Yo momma is so fat when she took a shower her feet didn't get wet.

Yo mamma is so fat the back of her neck looks like a packet of hot dogs.

Yo momma so fat she tried to be on E.T. but when she went over the moon she caused an eclipse.

Yo moma is so fat, she needs to buy 3 tickets before she can go on an airplane.

Yo mama so fat that when I threw an apple at her it floated around her because she has her own gravitational pull.

Yo mama so fat she has to put her belt on with a boomerang.

Yo mama is so fat even Kirby can't suck her.

Your mama is so fat she makes more milk per day then a cow.

Your mama so fat when she fell off her bed she made the earthquake.

Yo mamma is so fat when she stood up NASA thought it was an eclipse.

Yo mama so fat when she fell down they had to get a helicopter to swing one of its ladder escapes down so she could get up.

Yo mamma is so fat, she fell off the Grand Canyon and got stuck.

Yo mama so fat that she ran over 4 quarters and turned it in to a dollar.

Yo mama so fat that if people tried to run around her, they'd get lost.

Your Mamma's so fat that when Obi-one Kenobi saw her he said "That's no moon... THAT'S yo mamma!"

This post contains the finest and most bizarre collection on yo momma jokes that are super and crazy. 


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